Waiheke Dirt Track Club started in 1986 when the club bought the land we now know as the Dirt Track. The track was formed about then and is now a great clay speedway type track. Things progressed from an unofficial "paddock bash" drive around a field to a clay formed race track with a tower, pits and concrete protection. The club grew and more and more cars entered and the competition became more and more exciting. The farmer that owned the land at 2a O'Brien rd then decided his time was up. He offered the site to the club and threw in the woolshed. The real excitement began. The club was born. The woolshed was converted to the bar and clubrooms you see today, the track became even better - A lot of hard work. Our sister club - Waiuku - was formed at about the same time and lots of visits and interclub competitions started. We are still very welcome at Waiuku and visits to their track and welcomed with open arms.
Today the track and facilites are alive and well. There is more focus on club owned cars and the income from the Woolshed has shifted from club events to hire events.
Calender for Racing and Dirt track events
Friday Night Races - BYO Street Car See on Facebook Register here - your're gonna love it: Google Form
Check event photos and latest news on ....Facebook!
Society Reregistration
We're reregistering The Dirt Track Society. Please see the MBIE Companies site for details here
Please take a look at the new Constitution we (mostly Jim-Bo) have created here
Please feel free to make a comment here
The Woolshed is a licenced venue - 2 O'Briens rd, Rocky Bay
The club uses the Woolshed for gettogethers, committee meetings, prize givings and social events
The Woolshed can be hired for 21st parties, weddings and music nights. The club usually run the bar and the patron is welcome to pay a bar tab or attendees can order and pay at the bar.
We have a great time there - its awesome for bands and has a great kitchen
Please see the Woolshed Hire Contract Hire Contract
Membership runs for the year and subscriptions are due before the AGM. Usually about April or May.
You need to be a member to race and to participate at the AGM.
Funds can be paid direct to:
Waiheke Dirt Track Club
Ref Join/Renew and your Surname in the Particulars
Complete the Form below
Drive into Rockybay, pass the sport ground - you will see the woolshed sign on your right. The next gate is the main entrance. Turn right for the Woolshed or left for the Track. Please park in the main car park at the top on race days
Map to Woolshed....Map for the Track